We've Got a Breathing Technique for That!

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At risk of sounding repetitive… these are truly times unlike any other. Each day there is something new to know, we have to constantly pivot our actions, and we haven't really had a break. Simply, it’s been a lot and we wanted to remind you that it’s okay not to be okay.

People often come to yoga seeking tools to improve their quality of life. This may include back pain relief, a consistent exercise routine, help with insomnia, mental health support, and everything in between. As humans we are all working through something and we all need support sometimes, but recently we have noticed a few themes within our community.

Raise your hand if your:

  • anxiety has increased

  • sleep has decreased

  • motivation is lacking

If this is you in some form, we hear you. The good news is, we’ve got a breathing technique for it. Breath is one of the simplest, yet most profound tools in yoga that can be a great addition to your day no matter how you’re feeling. Keep these exercises in your back pocket to use whenever you need.


Alternate Nostril Breath (Nadi Shodhana)

  • Take a comfortable seat, close your eyes and take a few natural deep breaths.

  • Bring your right hand to your face. Place your thumb on your right nostril, your four finger on your left nostril, your pointer and middle finger to rest between your eyebrows.

  • Plug your right nostril and inhale through your left. Pause and plug your left nostril, release your right nostril and exhale.

  • Plug your left nostril and inhale through your right. Pause and plug your right nostril, release and exhale through your left.

  • Repeat the above two steps five to ten times.


4, 6, 8 Breath

  • Take any comfortable position seated or lying down. Close your eyes, and take a few natural deep breaths.

  • Empty your lungs by breathing out through your mouth.

  • Inhale through your nose for 4 seconds.

  • Hold your breath for 6 seconds.

  • Exhale through your nose for 8 seconds

  • Stay relaxed, it may feel slightly unnatural at first. Keep trying.

  • If you find it uncomfortable try inhaling for 4 seconds, exhaling for 8, and skipping the hold until you get comfortable.

  • Repeat for 5 - 10 rounds or until you fall asleep.


Breath of Fire (Kapalabhati)

  • Take a comfortable cross legged or kneeling seat. Close your eyes and take a few natural deep breaths.

  • Start with a deep inhale and then exhale halfway.

  • Begin to find short, quick, and explosive exhales through the nose (or mouth if you are congested) by contracting the lower abdomen in towards the spine and up towards the navel. This will create a quick ‘puff’ noise almost like a sneeze.

  • Focus on the exhale, the drawing in of the navel, and the drawing up of the pelvic floor each breath. The inhale will naturally take place in between out breaths to inflate the lungs and release the abdomen.

  • You can place a hand or fist on the low belly to feel and assist the core engagement on each exhale.

  • Start slow and steady. As you get comfortable you can start pick up the pace.

  • Repeat 30-100 times for 3 -5 rounds.

Enjoy and let us know which technique is your favourite. And Click here to enjoy a guided breath meditation video. Happy breathing!